Music IS Math with an Attitude...

Music IS Math with an Attitude...
'Click' enlarge Pinuar Method - Bill McPhee 10.2008

Friday, September 11, 2009

About IT's Me Dad by William 'Bill' McPhee

About IT’S ME Dad
I wrote IT’S ME Dad (or equally IT’S ME Mom) within two days of September 11, 2001. Like most of us I was dismayed and enraged, and yes I contemplated homicidal thoughts. My feelings turned to the survivors and the children as survivors of all horrific atrocities we, as “man-kind” perpetrate in the name of some venal, would be greater good; From a child’s point of view, all pointless.

There is sentiment on multiple levels which prevented me from sharing this song until now. For me, it is more spiritual anthem than music video. I belief in treating all people with equal dignity and look forward in a dream for the notion to become globally vogue. I have nothing more to share except a side note: I am a writer/composer, not a performer and singing will never be something I could pretend to boast. I am looking for vocal talent and musicians to cover the catalog of music I have written over the years. If you are gifted in this capacity contact me:
-William ‘Bill’ McPhee aka, Maximillion Robere