Music IS Math with an Attitude...

Music IS Math with an Attitude...
'Click' enlarge Pinuar Method - Bill McPhee 10.2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

20 Minutes - 108 Piano Chords By Name From One's Head?

McPhee: It's true, it works and ages 6 to 60 plus have learned the method. Let me explain without giving it all away. The musical alphabet is A through G and repeats A through G over and over. Most children can recite the English alphabet in its entirety. Music requires they know A,B,C,D,E,F,G then A,B,C... over again. The piano keyboard has a black and white pattern that also repeats like a mathematical phrase. Don't let the term mathematics frighten you. I developed a simple exercise using a math formula that children find easy to apply. Within twenty minutes, (shorter for adults) children can formulate any Major, minor chord, (a chord for this example is at least three notes sounded together) sharp or flat, and three different versions of each by name. If you ask them to play F#minor, they can do it. B Major, etc; name the chord and they can play it. Of course they are not fast after the lesson but they know what they are doing by name and speed will come from practice. If guitar is a students only interest they are still required to take Pinuar Piano 1 before moving to the guitar. Knowledge of this first piano lesson lends itself to making the guitar easy to understand.