Music IS Math with an Attitude...

Music IS Math with an Attitude...
'Click' enlarge Pinuar Method - Bill McPhee 10.2008

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


It Matters Words/music - William ‘Bill’ McPhee

We are matter

In the universe

We matter

We are here

No right or wrong

For matter

Only colors

That express

Momentary weaving’s

In the fabric

We exist

It matters you are here

It matters that I care

It doesn’t matter why

Where or when you cry

(It matters you are here)

I’ve loved you for so long

I can’t remember when

You couldn’t make me smile

All the time and while

(I’ve loved you for so long)

It matters you are here

It matters that I care

It doesn’t matter why

Where or when you cry

I’ve loved you for so long

So long...

(It matters you are here)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where's Bill?

I'm on the beaches in Florida and will be in and out of this area for the winter. I needed to escape the dungeon for a while - it's not like I've had a social life this past year. I look forward to new connections and meeting as many of you in person as is possible. Bill

Friday, September 11, 2009

About IT's Me Dad by William 'Bill' McPhee

About IT’S ME Dad
I wrote IT’S ME Dad (or equally IT’S ME Mom) within two days of September 11, 2001. Like most of us I was dismayed and enraged, and yes I contemplated homicidal thoughts. My feelings turned to the survivors and the children as survivors of all horrific atrocities we, as “man-kind” perpetrate in the name of some venal, would be greater good; From a child’s point of view, all pointless.

There is sentiment on multiple levels which prevented me from sharing this song until now. For me, it is more spiritual anthem than music video. I belief in treating all people with equal dignity and look forward in a dream for the notion to become globally vogue. I have nothing more to share except a side note: I am a writer/composer, not a performer and singing will never be something I could pretend to boast. I am looking for vocal talent and musicians to cover the catalog of music I have written over the years. If you are gifted in this capacity contact me:
-William ‘Bill’ McPhee aka, Maximillion Robere

Sunday, January 25, 2009

MOON A MONDAY - Music Video Lyrics Translation

MOON A MONDAY - Music Video Lyrics Translation
'Click' Title for video

The MOON A MONDAY music video (on Google, You Tube, Face Book) is a composite of five or more blended language intonations of gibberish. Aside from translatable sounds, the song was never meant to be literally understood. The song’s intent was to simulate a “foreign language song of romantic importance” utilizing nonsensical gibberish communicating nothing meaningful. Now with this in mind some words or phrases could communicate intelligible words in multiple broken languages. Even the “Mune a Mondae” subtitle if spelled “Mune a Monde” would equate to “a common world” in French but as deliberately spelled does not.

I wrote the song after reading an article about a music groupie that married into French politics and then recorded an album. The article was clearly hype for the album but went overboard about the importance of the music to my thinking and thus inspired MOON A MONDAY. Robin Cradle, the DJ name is borrowed from a script I’m writing called “DONJI’S DILEMMA.” Maximillion Robere ( I think he’s French, Italian, and Spanish) is an altered ego to express a nonsense aspect of myself. I made him a “Color Coordinated European Cowboy Lost in an American Cornfield,” his “Album” title which doesn’t exist (yet). The video is a fun composite of people I know. The children in it are loved by me but not mine although two of my oldest sons are depicted briefly in the raucous apartment scene. (Chris if you’re reading this-three of my oldest sons. They are building a website: The song makes me smile and I hope you enjoyed it too.

Yours truly,
William 'Bill' McPhee
‘Have mind, will travel’

Some littoral translation for what is pronounced, but not necessarily in this order, could be:

My name is William, William William.
Moon a Monday the cat exploded
This song says I owe you, with love
I am sorry
Close the door
You let the farm animals in
The game, it is you

There is more but you get the idea. One more notation; The music is original with most of the chord structure from another song, ”ALL IN THE GAME,” with a different tempo and more on that later. ‘Catch ya in the funny papers.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You Know Why I'm Here

music/video: "CLICK " Title
Words & Music: William McPhee

You know why I’m here
It’s not by chance we share
This plane of space and time
Years of mime
Have cast us here

You’ve known us before
In prayerful dreams you weep
You wake to find I’ve gone
Cry alone
A tearful sleep

You wait for night
You close your eyes
And through your tears and fears
A face appears
But just till light

You know why I’m here
It’s not your dream it’s mine
I’ve come for you this life
Let go of time
Come take my hand